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On the air Fister is a 10 foot tall barrel chested beastman who showers in vodka and feeds his baby shrimp scampi.  In the hallways, he is polite, courteous and has a can-do attitude.  An animal in the production room too.  Conceptualizing, writing and producing radio imaging, promos and commercials that cuts through the clutter so your station gets heard!​


Fister is an ambassador at public appearances and on social media. Super serving the client and always interactive with the listeners.  Fister never hides in the van and is always keeping everyone fired up! (Video)


The show is always full of energy, dank phones, sarcasm, pop culture, parodies, spoofs, and pranks.  Regular bench marks like the Ubber Fact of the Day, Fun With Text Messages, News of the Weird, Prank Yankers, The Skinny,  Insomnia Theater, The Rock-Ta-Gon and chocie contesting!


Fister can't imagine doing anything else, "It's my life's work.


When not melting faces and eating song intros, Fister enjoys geneology, video blogging, being the Dude in the Kitchen, playing guitar, tinkering with his internet radio station, gaming, talking back to the television and he is an ametuer foodie blogger.  Fister might be the only Rock air-talent giving motivational messages.  "It is just one more way to connect with listeners emotionally."


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